Braxis Wynterwulf

The Savage Knight | Lord of Wulves | Wynter Warlord

The Wynterwulf of Clan Wulf

About the White wolf

A stern and fierce cold glare is all that is offered to anyone who first makes eye contact with this war torn highlander. Be wary to not test his temper, for the loud, boisterous, and honorable hyur can be quick to anger.

Age: 39
Date of Birth: Janurary 20th
Birthplace: Limsa
Race: Hyur - Highlander
Height: 6'9"
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Ice Blue
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Taken
Server: Balmung

In Character Hooks

When using anything out of Common Hooks, please contact the player first!

Common Hooks

The White Wolf: A former dragoon and dragoon instructor. It is not uncommon to hear of this dragonslayer and of his time alongside his former fellow Knight Dragoons.Battle Itchy: Always in the mood for wanting a brawl or spar. Sometimes to blow steam other times because he is just bored. Finding him amongst a friendly spar or a bar time brawl is more then common.Warlord: The Wynterwulf Warband, the combined forces of the levies of House Wulf and thei mercenaries they employ. Commonly found earning coin & glory assisting where they can in Coerthas or out amongst allied lands.The Savage Knight: At first glance, one would not think this savage of a northern brute would not be a noble, little alone a Lord of a House. But to the nobles and knights of Ishgard, many know otherwise for better or worse.

Uncommon Hooks

Drenger of the Greywulf: Before his rise to the leadership of his families warband and household, he had spent his years as a warrior and officer of his uncles warband of mercenaries and oathsworn of House Wulf. Doing the command of House Fortemps and the Holy See without question nor doubt.Limsa Born: Those who knew this highlander in his youth might remember a similar rough and loud, beardless hyur known for getting into all sort of street rat trouble in the pirate city. The times before the youth Braxis Wulf had disappeared and years later Braxis Wynterwulf started to make his name through blood and glory in the bitter cold lands of Coerthas.Garlean Butcher: After the death of a close relative, Kilaani Stormwulf the youngest daughter to the late Greywulf there was a bloody call to arms. Many of the elite of the Greywulves warband cried for blood and vengeance as more and more of their ranks and friends were taken by the Empire. Several raiding parties unleashed themselves onto the Garlean Empire, one of these parties that thankfully returned was led by Braxis for sometime.

Rare Hooks

Dragon Friend: Originally seen as the ultimate and the most worthy of prey. Some of the warriors and hunters of House Wulf slowly formed a bond with a proud and combat loving Dragon from their constant fighting and rematches. How close of ally this creature may be is known only by the elders of the Household.Direwulfson: The bastard son of the first to take the Dragoon title within this hearty family of Coerthan tested Hyur and Elezen. The former Ser Direwulf was reported being slain in the line of duty just weeks before the birth of his son, Braxis.Old Rituals: Although his family has split from the rest of their clan over four generations ago. Some of the members of House Wulf can find themselves honoring old, bloodied rituals either to bless luck upon their warriors, commune with their ancestors or to ward off their foes.

The Pack
Friends & Allies

Tokihiro kato"The Shite student"

The only other person in all of Erozea to survive the personal training of the Wynterwulf outside of his adoptive daughter, Io. Although Braxis gives Toki constant shit and reminds him of everyway he can improve as a fighter and at times as a person. There is some sense of pride to see how far this Raen Spearman has come under his several years under Brax's teaching and now banner. With how Ishgardians treat outsiders and with the end of the Dragonsong War, it is a shame. Braxis would admit Toki would have made a fine dragoon.

Zanzan Yanzan
"The Bard"

One of the few souls who can go head to head with the highlander when it comes to eating and drinking. The two commonly challenge eachother to various contests of feasting, with nearly every feast they partake in. It gets them banned from those easting establishments.Meeting at a road stop in the Shroud, Zanzan overhead of former Dragoon boasting of a kill of a large biast that had traveled into the shroud. Hearing Brax's tale of Dragonslaying the poet of a Lalafell wrote a ballad and dubbed Braxis "The Dragonslayer!" A title the Highlander hears again and again with annoyance. Even more so when the sagas or ballads of Zanzan's are heard playing.

Claude Duval
"The Bronze Dragoon"

When Braxis had taken arms and joined the ranks of the Warband of the Greywulf, slowly making his way into joining the Order of the Knights-Dragoon. There was always the cold, judging, prideful glare of the son of his own fathers rival, Claude Duval. The two constantly getting into fights, scraps and screaming matches at one another. No one could better push eachothers buttons then them.During their training and time within the Order of the Knights-Dragoon, they two kept their rivalry strong. But they would quickly form a strong brother like bond, putting their years of fighting and bickering aside to protect their homes and families. Although it was still common for them to make everything a compeition with one another.

"The Doctor"

One of the first to answer the call of the Wynterwulf Warband, in the effort to regrow its ranks after its year long plundering of the Garlean countryside. At first the former Dragoon looked upon this used to be Nunh with disgust regarding his expirementation on Aether and looking at his fellow sword brothers & sisters as subjects.Although over the time the Highlander and Miqo'te had a few things in common, and through his medical word Vari would earn the trust of the now Noble Lord, Braxis Wynterwulf. Counting Vari amongst his Warmasters, leading the menders and healers of the Wynterwulf Warband.

Thyra Wyntersong
"Songtress & Speardancer"

When he first met this spar loving hyur, it was through her songs she had played time and time again at the Forgotten Knight. Hearing over her music of the Warbands call for spears and bows alike. This Dravanian Huntress offering her spear and bow to Braxis and his shieldwalls.A worthy spear to add to his numbers for sure, such was quickly found by the Highlander. Happily testing Thyra's abilitiy to lead and making her an oathsworn Master of Arms for his Household.

Aurinae Viette
"Lady of House Viette"

Never trust a noble, do not become their friend, be wary of those of who come bearing gifts. Are the words Braxis would give to any fledgling noble. The advice to follow came from his own past mistakes, but thus far. Those mistakes have not been made with his long friend and ally, the current Lady of House Viette, Aurinae.The minor houses may be of different liege houses. But the alliance and bonds of Wulf and Viette are strong. There are fewer if any allies that recieve privlages like the Viettes. Such as allowing Aurinae her favored way of entering his office and manor. Kicking the door open and calling for the House Lord.

Norren Viette
"The Knight Captain of House Viette"

Honorable, Chilvarious, Steadfast, Too polite for his own good. All can be used to describe the younger brother of Lady Viette, Norren. The now Captain of the House Viette Guard and Knights is one who finds himself and his houses forces shoulder to shoulder with the Wynterwulf and his shield wall.Feeling the young Knight's pain with his motherly troubles, yet to see him rise and meet them and with the looks to surpass the troubles they have given him has earned him respect and friendship from the Lord of House Wulf.

Grim Ember

A mercenary who finds himself employed by both Viette and Wulf. His role within the Viette's to protect their adopted member, Ravensong. While his role within the Wulves is simply to pulverize whoever stands in the way of the Houses' warband.The fight loving Roe excels in both of these, following his orders to the dot, and never losing his at times contagious cheery attitude. Even as his is sending Garleans into the air with his fists alone. A worthy warrior to have, and one to respect.

Kiarra Ravensong

Formerly of the Immortal Flames and once one who would give the Warband Flame aligned work and contracts. Now one of the spellblades that find themselves amongst Viette and Wulf.Through her work as a gatherer of intel and with her magical might, the Lord of HouseWulf has high hopes that Ravensong will one day join the Oathsworn of House Wulf.

More to come SOON!

The Clan
Family Members

The Wulf Clan is divided into three separate families, each hailing from different regions. Here you will find the family Braxis has from Clan Wulf, the descedents of Jorgen Icewulf. Along with his half siblings from his Ala Mhigan mother, and other relatives.

Beatrice Beastsong (Deceased)
The Caring Mother

The mother of Braxis Wynterwulf and his many half siblings from Limsa. The story of her and his father was out of a fairy tale, although it did not have a fairy tale ending. With his father vanishing or slain during the Dragonsong war. Never to see their wedding and birth of the surprise that would be Braxis. Now a, mother to a bastard, she was disowned from her wealthy father fearing such scandals could damage his business.Life was never easy, even till her death bed. But not even all seven levels of hell could stop her from doing all she could to make sure every child of hers had a better future.

Ragnar Direwulf (Deceased)
The Wayward Sire

The sire to the now bastard dragoon knight. The first of House Wulf to earn the honor of Dragoon, and according to the others who followed in his wake one of their best. The second Lord of Wulves following after his own father Jorgen Icewulf. Keeping the more savage traditions of the Wulf clan alive and thriving while making sure the loyal hounds of war of Fortemps made their worth known to their liege and fellow citizens of Ishgard.During a hunt with The Bronze Dragoon of the Duval family, the Direwulf and the first of the Duval family had went missing. Bodies never to be recovered, assumed to be killed by the dragon they were hunting.

Hugo Boulderfist
The Mentor & Uncle

A wise, calm and steady speaking Ala Mhigan monk. The elder brother to Beatrice Beastsong. When he heard of his fathers treatment of his only and younger sister along with her newborn child. He took to assist his sister whatever way he could. Be it helping making ends meet, mentoring her children, protecting them and so on.If there is anyone Braxis would view as a father figure, it would be his uncle. Even if Hugo still tries to get Braxis to travel down a monks path instead of a dragoons.

Alexander Greywulf (Deceased)The Frozen Hearted Uncle

The third Lord of Wulves, following the disappearance of his eldest brother Ragnar. Years later, along with their father, Jorgen were the ones to discover the young, foul mouthed bastard from Limsa. Rescuing the lad from a swarm of aevis dragons. Only to learn of his blood and relation to them both.Alexander saw much of his beloved and slain brother in the youth. For whatever reason be, this drove the current Lord of House Wulf to put the young Braxis through the most hellish of test and trials. Never once going easy on the boy, even as he passed the trials of Clan Wulf to earn his title "Wynterwulf."Although when time came and the Greywulf drew his last breath, he named his sucessor to be his brothers eldest child. The now fourth Lord of Wulves, Braxis Wynterwulf.

Io Saarwulf
The Wild Daughter

Simply known as Io or Io Saar, but to her family and clan she is known as Io Saarwulf. Daughter of the Wynterwulf and heiress of the Coerthan Wulves. Years ago, several months after retiring as an instructor to the Dragoon order he was approached by a much different Io Saar. After a few attempts of convincing Braxis to take her under his wing to mentor her, he begrudgingly accepted.Her training and growth as a person greatly changed her, and the former Dragoon as well. Bringing the two close and eventually viewed one another as family. Braxis adopting her after the final battle of the Dragonsong War.Forever does she have her fathers backing, loyalty and care. Even if she does get caught drowning miqo'te males in various water fountains by him.

Asher Rukoth
The Lone Wulf - Cousin

Many of the Coerthan Wulves will leave the family for some time. Find their own path, their own stories for their name. Asher is one of those, but unlike the others he did not return embracing his Wulf given name. Instead keeping to the name of his grandmother. While various traditional elders of the family took it as a insult, Braxis could understand his younger cousins reasonings. More so with how Braxis grew up outside of the Wulfen fold.Braxis knows a few things are certain when it comes to his cousin, Asher. He is worthy of the title Dragoon, knowledgable in Magitek and making Braxis proof prosthetics, and if he is called upon to aid the family his spear will be amongst the others of the Coerthan Wulves.

Venoiux Grinngingwulf
The Polite Brother

The younger half brother to Braxis, where as Braxis holds the families traditions acting more so of a savage then a proper knight or gentlemen. His younger half brother is the opposite, of those of the Wulf blood of Coerthas. This one will be the most sincere and gentlemanly of the clan. Most likely why he assists his elder brother as the Houses' steward.

Quill Sureshot
The Other Trouble Maker

If there was a partner to every petty crime, every act of mischief this Highlander did as a youth in his days of Limsa. It was with his sister Quill at his side. Pickpocketing, street fights, suckering adults out of their hard earned coin? These two were a tag team giving every yellow jacket a headache. Even more so once Asmaria had joined in on their trouble making time to time.Now? Quill still taking to the mischievous side of life, although more as a proper mercenary now days. Keeping in touch with her brother via sparse letters and the occasional nights trying to outdrink one another. Last he heard, she was taking lessons from their crazy monk of an uncle, Hugo Boulderfist.

Asmaria Soulmender
The Youngest Sibling

The youngest of the three of Beatrice's children. While Braxis and Quill where and still are causing trouble and breaking bones. Asmaria furthered her own path and knowledge seeking to become a doctor proper. He occasionally hears from her via letters of her travels across the world. Learning new medicines and helping those she can.All that he knows is all it takes is one letter, one word. Then not even the farthest corners of this world can protect anyone who harmed the Wynterwulf's little sister.

To Add Soon...Kilaani Thornwulf - PC Cousin
Jorgen Icewulf - NPC Grandfather
Astrid Bloodwulf - NPC Grandmother
Alicia Redwulf - NPC Cousin
Hunter Ironwulf - NPC Cousin n Law
Connar Wulf - NPC Nephew
Alvilda Wulf - NPC Niece

Out of Character Information

Player is 21+Timezone: ESTAll Rp and Styles are accepted, long as it makes sense for the character and the stories they create. If something comes up I am uncomfortable with or risk of. I will communicate such.Always open to making new connections or establishing old ones. Feel free to poke me onTwiter: @BraxisRP
Discord: Braxis#1996